Services > Land, Water and Farm Resource Mapping

Land, Water and Farm Resource Mapping

LandVision has highly skilled staff who offer the unique service of mapping the land, water and farm resources at paddock scale (1:7,000). This includes:

  • Land Resource Inventory (LRI) including geology, soils, slope, erosion type and severity, and vegetation.
  • Land Use Capability (LUC).
  • Land Management Units or Land Units (LMUs or LUs).
  • Freshwater Resources including waterways, drains etc.
  • Critical Source Areas (CSA’s).
  • Biodiversity including Significant Natural Areas (SNAs), protected sites and riparian vegetation etc.
  • Carbon Monitoring.
  • Farm Infrastructure including subdivision, tracks etc.
  • Irrigation areas and lines.

The paddock scale mapping of the resources above provides the critical framework for which recommendations in LandVisions’ plans can be made.